Bot Guides and Installation

Config for Taekwon

Config for Taekwoon

Note For Seven Wind Buff
Lvl. 1: Seismic Weapon(Earth)
Lvl. 2: Lightning Loader(Wind)
Lvl. 3: Frost Weapon(Water)
Lvl. 4: Flame Weapon(Fire)
Lvl. 5: Ghost Weapon(Ghost)
Lvl. 6: Dark Weapon(Shadow)
Lvl. 7: Aspersio(Holy)

If you don't know what to put in your whenStatusActive/whenStatusInactive, use the skill manually using your bot console. Type skills then type ss # to use the skill. Then type s (for status) and copy the exact name of the STATUS and put it in your whenStatusActive/whenStatusInactive to make your bot use that skill automatically.

useSelf_skill Seven Wind {
lvl 7
sp > 50%
onAction attack
whenStatusInactive STATUS
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1

useSelf_skill Ready Counter {
lvl 1
whenStatusInactive Ready Counter

attackComboSlot Counter {
lvl 7
sp > 4%
dist 1.5
afterSkill Ready Counter
waitBeforeUse 0.1

useSelf_skill Ready Storm {
lvl 1
whenStatusInactive Ready Storm

attackComboSlot Storm Kick {
lvl 7
sp > 4%
dist 1.5
afterSkill Ready Storm
waitBeforeUse 0.1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1

useSelf_skill Run {
lvl 7
sp > 50%
whenStatusInactive Spurt
notInTown 1
notWhileSitting 1
timeout 5
inLockOnly 1
notWhileSitting 1
notInTown 1

attackComboSlot Run {
lvl 7
afterSkill Run
waitBeforeUse 0.6
isSelfSkill 1
inLockOnly 1

1 comment:

  1. Nice config... u know how to config taekwon mission... ?
